Withdrawals & Refunds

Life happens and our situations change. There are times when withdrawal is a wise decision. Please consider the following first:

  1. Seek advice as there may be options and implications you had not considered. Talk with trusted family, counselors, your academic and financial advisors (and international student services if on campus and not a US resident). Degree students, consult the Registration Guide's info on drop or withdraw approvals to know who you should be talking to first.
  2. Review the deadlines for your specific type of class and part of term in the abbreviated calendar. Find this table for your enrolled term in the current Academic Bulletin's Calendar page.

Withdrawal Procedure

BEFORE the last day to drop/add/change registration with full refund, use Registration Central to drop this class online. (It is possible to add a class before this deadline in the same way.)

AFTER the last day to drop with full refund through the last day to withdraw for this class:

If a refund is available, a credit will be applied to your account. You may email sfs@025612.com to request this returned to you in the manner you paid.

Watch for an email confirming the withdrawal has been entered or check your academic record (nothing will show if withdrawn before the drop/add date, a W grade thereafter). The small withdrawal fee will be posted to your account, with payment due in the next payment period.