Severe Winter Weather

下面解释了bet365中文大学管理部门是如何因为天气原因而决定远程工作和学习的, 你可以用一种方便的方式得到这些信息.

请注意,即使bet365中文大学决定照常营业, 大学生和员工都应该对自己的安全负责. If conditions make it unsafe for you to travel to Andrews, 请留在安全的地方,并与您的老师一起安排可能错过的任何课堂作业,或与您的主管联系以安排替代工作.

Decision Process

The Offices of Transportation, 植物园/场地和校园安全部门就天气状况和校园通道进行协商. 交通运输负责停车场和校园道路,而植物园/场地负责人行道和建筑入口. Depending on weather conditions, 校园安全部门也会派一辆车去亲自检查进入贝里恩斯普林斯的主要道路. Additionally, 校园安全监控当地紧急无线电交通,以了解校园外的天气和道路状况.


  • Weather conditions are reasonable
  • Community roads can be nagivated
  • 学校能有效维护校园道路、人行道及建筑物出入口

However, 如果不满足这些条件或出现其他安全问题, 校园安全办公室助理副主席联系大学行政主管,就远程学习和当天的工作提出建议. 行政主管对远程学习/工作做出最终决定. 然后,校园安全办公室和大学传播办公室通过AU Alert发布远程学习/工作信息, the campus weather hotline (269-471-7660), the University’s website, University social media and local TV and radio stations.


Decision Timeline

大学将检讨天气情况,并作出亲自决定,通常在晚上9点.m. the day before or by 6 a.m. the morning of. 大学可能会在这些时间之外做出额外的决定,以回应任何新发现的问题.


In the event of severe winter weather, 那些非核心员工将被要求尽可能多地与主管协调远程工作. Because Andrews is a residential campus, 许多员工将被认为是必不可少的,仍然需要到校园报到. 鉴于目前的混合学习环境,请遵循以下指导方针:

当冬季天气恶劣时,远程操作决策涉及到整个校园, 某些必要的工人可能需要继续亲自工作. Most frequently, this would involve the physical plant areas, Campus Safety, Dining Services and residence hall workers. 在某些情况下,大学可以为必要的工作人员提供交通工具.

冬天的天气变化很快,路况也很危险. 请使用合理的判断和极度谨慎,并行使个人责任,为您的安全.


In the event of severe winter weather, 老师应该为学生提供当天学习环境的指导, which could include remote learning, in-person learning, or a hybrid arrangement.


Where to Get Information

The University uses AU Alert, an emergency notification system that can send email, text messages and voicemails and post to Facebook. 我们鼓励所有bet365中文大学的员工和学生配置他们的个人紧急通知首选项 here. Andrews电子邮件地址会自动配置到您的紧急通知设置中. 您可以添加一个额外的电子邮件和您的手机号码来接收短信(也称为SMS)。.

任何转向远程学习/工作的横幅都将张贴在bet365中文大学的网站上, 并将在大学的Facebook和Twitter上发布公告.

Please DO NOT call the Office of Campus Safety. 他们的热线需要开放,以应对紧急情况并以其他方式提供援助. 大学的天气热线将提供最新的天气信息:269-471-7660(在校园信息目录中列出), page 1, under Emergency Numbers).


TV Stations
WNDU Channel 16
WSBT Channel 22
WSJV Channel 28

Radio Stations
WAUS 90.7 FM
WVHQ 92.1 FM/
WDOW 1440 AM
WFRN 104.7 FM
WSJM AM 1400
WIRX 107.1 FM
WYTZ 97.5 FM
The COAST 94.9 FM
WSPZ 103.7 FM
SUNNY 101.5
Oldies 94.3
Cat Country 99.9

Andrews Academy and Ruth Murdoch Elementary School

Both University schools, Andrews Academy and Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, 自己决定是否因天气原因关闭学校.


Outdoor Safety

天气特别冷的时候,尤其是刮大风的时候,尽量呆在室内. Make any trips outside as brief as possible, 记住这些提示来保护你的健康和安全:

Dress Warmly and Stay Dry
Adults and children should wear:

  • A hat
  • A scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
  • Sleeves that are snug at the wrist
  • Mittens (they are warmer than gloves)
  • Water-resistant coat and boots
  • Several layers of loose-fitting clothing
  • 确保你衣服的外层织得很紧, preferably wind resistant, to reduce body heat loss caused by wind. 羊毛、丝绸或聚丙烯的内层衣服比棉质衣服能留住更多的身体热量. Stay dry. Wet clothing chills the body rapidly. Excess perspiration will increase heat loss, 所以当你觉得太热的时候,脱掉多余的衣服. Also, 在除冰、加油或使用吹雪机时,避免让汽油或酒精沾到皮肤上. 这些与皮肤接触的材料大大增加了身体的热量损失. Do not ignore shivering. It's an important first sign that the body is losing heat. Persistent shivering is a signal to return indoors.

Visit the CDC's Winter Weather page for further information on cold weather safety.

对于那些在我们的社区经历冬季天气和冬季驾驶的第一次, the following links may also be helpful and interesting:

What is Lake Effect snow?

Wind Chill Index and Cold Weather Safety

Winter Storms and Extreme Cold