
The 职业中心 partners with faculty and staff in providing career readiness resources to students through several activities and initiatives. 


Invite Career Services to Present in your Class

The bet365中文大学 职业中心 provides workshops and presentations to classes, student organizations and other small groups on career development and career readiness topics including career exploration, 文档准备, creating a professional digital presence and customized topics to fit your needs.

Workshops can be requested via our 工作坊申请表格. Workshop request forms must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. Once the request has been submitted, a staff member will connect with the contact person identified on the form to confirm details and to make the final arrangements.

Infuse Career Readiness Competencies into your courses

The 职业中心 subscribes to the eight Career Readiness Competencies from the National Association of Colleges and 雇主, which defines career readiness as, "a foundation from which to demonstrate requisite core competencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management."

We invite faculty members to use this language in their classroom and to seek to infuse the competencies in your syllabi and coursework.


  • 职业与自我发展
  • 沟通
  • 批判性思维
  • 股本 & 包容
  • 领导
  • 专业
  • 团队合作
  • 技术

A detailed description of each competency and sample behaviors that students should display to show mastery can be found 在这里.

Encourage use of career platforms

教师 are encouraged to take advantage of this open-access resource, which provides 100% free self-paced virtual work experiences for students. 教师 may join the platform by creating a profile and get information on how to integrate scalable projected-based learning from world-leading companies into their curriculum and internship programs in just a few hours. 加入今天 as an educator and provide meaningful experiential learning for your students!


Encourage students to participate in 支付, remote, micro-internships. Micro-internships are short-term, 支付, professional projects that provide opportunities for career exploration, 技能发展, 和网络.  Projects range from 10-40 hours in duration and can take place year-round, often with a remote-working option. 参考学生 在这里 了解更多.


握手 is the number one way for college students to find jobs and internships. 握手 allows students to discover and land jobs and internships, get direct messages from employers who want to hire you, connect with employers 了解更多 about their company, and get expert help from career-building resources and employer recommended by the 职业中心. T在这里 are over 750 thousand employers actively searching for students on 握手!


  • 搜索 for an internship, job, or co-op
  • Schedule a career services appointment
  • Sign up for events and interviews
  • Submit applications, resumes, and evaluations

参考学生 在这里 for detailed instructions on how to claim their free accounts and start building their profiles.


职业洞察力 offers a suite of programs that empowers students to prepare for post-graduation by infusing career exploration and preparation throughout their time at bet365中文大学 through easy-to-understand visualizations and having information at their fingertips. It also enables advisors to help students see how the skills they acquire will prepare them for the careers they want.

教师 and advisors can use two reports for career exploration with students: 

职业探险家: Using the 职业探险家 tool, students can explore careers 了解更多 about the employment landscape and what they need to prepare for their future. 学生 can search by industry and occupation title to find out salary potential, 教育需求, 就业前景, 技能要求. 

Active Job Postings Dashboard: The Job Postings dashboard provides regularly updated job postings from national databases for thousands of occupations across the United States. It also provides links to the direct job posting and applications. 

Get detailed instructions on how to access and use 职业洞察力 with students 在这里.

Require students to visit the career center

The 职业中心 provides services in:

  • 简历/简历建筑
  • 简历/简历审查
  • 模拟面试
  • Cover letter building and review
  • 职业规划
  • 职业评估
  • Job and internship search skills

Make it a part of your course requirements to have students visit the 职业中心 to use these services. We will coordinate with you to track students' progress/attendance. 学生 can book appointments for any service 在这里.