
Stay tuned for 文艺复兴时期的孩子 offerings this summer. 如果需要详细信息,请发邮件给我 马克·莫雷诺

教授. 莫雷诺生物

BIOGRAPHY: 教授essor Moreno's academic scholarship focuses in several areas, 包括的地方making, 人/环境关系, 厨卫设计, 创造力, 儿童教育. His teaching methodologies emphasize hands-on experiences. He lectures at national and international conferences, and in 2011 he received the Daniel Augsberger Excellence in Teaching Award.

He shares his professional expertise widely within his community, 持续推广步行性, 品质感, 以及对创造性学术的热情. 大约12年了, he served on the board of directors and long range planning committee at Curious Kids Museum, 圣约瑟夫, MI, helping facilitate development of Silver Beach Center, 好奇儿童探索区, 虚幻境界舞厅, the Carousel and Whirlpool Field splash pad.

FOUNDING DIRECTOR: RENAISSANCE KIDS Since 2007, and with a passion to teach young people in creative and hands-on projects, Moreno promotes the discipline and impact of 体系结构 on our lives through the summer architecture camp, 文艺复兴儿童(SM). 为应对新冠肺炎大流行, he and his team of college student assistants developed the distance learning version called, 文艺复兴儿童家庭版.

Author: 体系结构 For Kids: Skill Building and Activities.
合著者:Siena Moreno

EDUCATION: Masters degree in 体系结构, Harvard University Graduate School of Design 1991 Bachelor of Science in 体系结构, University of Texas at Arlington 1985



  • 用创意处理活动 & 设计技术.

  • 学画画 & 模型制作技巧.

  • look at challenges from varied vantage points.

  • 用我们的手 & 尽量多使用工具. 

  • make physical things for 更多的 holistic understandings.

  • 一起工作,一起批评, & 更多的!

  • 参与社区服务.

    Note: Save up on paper scraps like cereal boxes, 厕纸, 还有纸巾卷, and any other found objects for constructing models. Students will always be free to creatively interpret projects from their own resources.

文艺复兴时期的孩子 aspires to make complex ideas accessible to young minds by providing activities and tools for exploring relationships between people and the physical world.


Projects built in the studio for all age groups involve exploring and solving problems by looking from multiple vantage points. We are working together in a loving environment, using tools and a wide array of materials, making drawings and building models with our hands.


These projects were all made with the kids hands, and some were designed by kids. all hope to make the world a better place.

Click Checkout to buy a signed copy of the book for $25.00 (shipping included USA only) or click the book cover image above to buy the book through Amazon.

Click Checkout to buy a signed copy of the book for $25.00 (shipping included USA only) or click the book cover image above to buy the book through Amazon.

This is a casual conversation on 教授essor Garth Woodruff’s sweet designerly blog. 有趣的时间.